- Assistant -Ms. Yuling Wu
- E-mail of the Department:
- E-mail of the Assistant:
- 04-23924505 ext. 8501
- Position: Project Assistant
- Job Description:
1. Secretary works
2. Supervisor's schedule login
3. Department allocation
4. Teacher appointment
5. MOE plans Implementation
6. Student-assistant recruitment and management
7. AI Student Association management
8. Maintenance and management of the department's space equipment and property
9. Business from various administrative units
10. Department official website management and maintenance
11. Work reports of school affairs meetings and administrative meetings
12 Handling sophomore project competitions
13. Assist in evaluation
14. Tasks temporarily assigned by the supervisor
- Assistant - Ms. Meng-Hua Cai (Substitute for Mr. Ming-Xun Cai)
- E-mail of the Department:
- E-mail of the Assistant:
- 04-23924505 ext. 8503
- Position: Project Assistant
- Job Description:
1. Works for planning and esatablishing courses
2. Off-campus internships and practical projects for junior students
3. Student-related affairs
4. Admissions affairs
5. Special program implementation
6. Industry-Academic Project allocation
7. Handling assessment or evaluation affairs
8. Business from student and academic units
9. Tasks temporarily assigned by the supervisor